News Stories
Links to video and news stories are provided by clicking on the screenshots below and in the article titles listed below each synopsis.
Homeowners Have No Rights
TVA is suing homeowners in Cheatham County for access to their properties. TVA states that it needs to conduct surveys on private property to determine easements that allow for the construction of transmission lines that will connect to a 900-megawatt methane gas plant on Lockertsville Rd. However, the gas plant project has not yet been approved. Residents have filed objections. A hearing will be held in November 2024. A federal judge has signed an order that will immediately authorize TVA to enter private properties to conduct the surveys.
"Cheatham County homeowners outraged after TVA surveys properties prior to project approval."
TVA Transmission Lines Plan
Residents of Cheatham County attended and open house hosted by TVA, March 6 -8, 2024, to try to understand -- and oppose -- TVA's new proposal for a 45 miles of transmission lines that would support the proposed Cheatham County Generation Project. The transmission line project would string new towers and lines from Robertson County all the way to Davidson, affecting almost 400 homes and farms. TVA would also add a new substation to the 286 acres on Lockertsville Rd. in addition to 14 turbine engines, 10.5 acres of lithium battery storage, and diesel fuel storage.
"TVA hosts transmission line project open house amid proposed Cheatham County Co. plant pushback"
TVA Public Forum News
TVA held a second public forum in Cheatham County on February 13, 2024, at Cheatham County Middle School in Ashland City. A small group of concerned residents met with TVA representatives, including Cheatham County Mayor Kerry McCarver, in November of 2023, to request the second public forum after TVA did little to inform the public about the first one held in June of 2023, or to give solid answers within it. Residents and county officials are unanimously opposed to the proposed TVA gas plant and pipeline project; they made their voices loud and clear, but will TVA listen and change their plans accordingly?
Fox17 Nashville was the only Nashville station to send a reporter to the February 13th meeting. "Cheatham County residents sound off over TVA gas plant"
How It Started
TVA provided little to no information about an "informational" meeting held in Cheatham County in June of 2023 concerning a proposed 12-mile methane gas pipeline and plant, then gave the Cheatham County residents only days to respond with opinions. The pipeline would run from Marrowbone Road, through private properties, across HWY 49, through more private property, and eventually to the plant that would sit on 286 acres on Lockertsville Rd. The public response deadline was ultimately extended after Tennessee Senator Mark Green requested TVA to do so.
Fox17 Nashville was the first to get the story. Other news stations followed.
"Longtime Ashland City residents outraged by TVA's proposed gas plant"
Residents Voice Concerns
On June 27, 2023, residents attended the Cheatham County Commission meeting to share their concerns with county commissioners, who sat attentively and listened to every person who wished to speak.
"'In for a fight': Cheatham County community voices concerns over proposed TVA gas plant"
Pleasant View Mayor Hears About TVA Proposed Project from a Friend
Pleasant View Mayor Bill Anderson was not happy that TVA did not contact his office about their Cheatham County project. Pleasant View uses the Sycamore Creek for its water supply, which TVA would also be using if the project proceeds.
''A detriment to our drinking water': Pleasant View blindsided by proposed TVA gas plant"
County/City Officials Reject TVA
In mid July of 2023, county and city officials in Cheatham County created resolutions rejecting TVA's proposed methane gas pipeline and power plant that would serve power to Davidson County.
"'Cheatham County, Ashland City officials formally reject TVA's proposed power plant"
Grammy-nominated Songwriter Organizes Protest Show
Jonathan Singleton is a successful songwriter who happens to live on Lockertsville Rd. in Cheatham County and does not want to see methane gas pipelines on his property or view a plant from his windows. He organized a writers night in Ashland City to bring awareness to the TVA proposal.
"'TVA Lay Your Pipe Somewhere Else:' Top Nashville songwriter organizes TVA protest show"